Monday, July 19, 2010

Cloth diapering babies

It's hard to believe that I have been cloth diapering for 5 years. It is amazing the many different cloth diapers out there. I have tried most brands out there. Well, most major brands. I have tried tried all of the etsy or hyenacart. Just recently I have started using g diapers. I like them. I have also tried grobaby and like them. I am getting leaks in front from my son though on the grobabies. Maybe I am doing something wrong. I have one grovia and it seems to be just like the grobaby besides a few minor changes. I have medium g diapers and thinking of getting larges to see if they will fit my son better. The rise seems to be a little short. But I have not had a leak yet. For night I use fitteds and wool. I love fitteds and wool. I have never had a leak with that combination. So maybe I better stick with what works.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

I love giveaways

Why do I love giveaways? Well, it's not just because I can win something. It's because I find out what is out there. I do not have much time to shop. I always run through the stores. So I get to learn what is out there by other people blogging about them. And...I also love to win free stuff! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010


Learning how to add pages to my blogger.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Losing weight with....

sparkspeople. Yes, I am one of the millions of people that have joined the sparks team. I started back in 2008 but got pregnant so I had to stop. Now I have joined their ranks yet again. It worked the first time and it is working again.

I started last Wednesday July 7th. My starting weight was 127 lbs. I will be weighing in tomorrow morning to see where I am at. I cheated and weighed in yesterday and weighed 125.2 lbs.

I like sparkspeople. You can join groups that are suited for you. Like I joined one for people under 5"3". You add what you eat and it tells you how many calories, fat, carbs, and protein was in the food. You have to own what you eat (if you take it serious and add in everything you eat). It helps you keep track of your excersize too. Sparkspeople will make a fitness routine for you to help you reach your goal. You can also track nutrients. There are so many neat things to help you lose weight with sparkspeople. And the best thing is, is that it is not a diet! You can eat whatever you want! I love it!

The start of something new

Blogging is something completely new to me. I have decided to take the big step of learning how to blog. But, like with everything else I do I decided to jump in head first. Start a blog then research how to do it. So, here I am with my first post

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