About us:
Hi, I am Dawn. I'm married to a wonderful man. Together we made 3 beautiful children. Brooke is 6 years old, Madison (Maddie Jean) is 3 years old, and Wyatt is 11 months old.
I stay at home raising my three children. When I am not busy with the children I am usually taking care of the household. I do enjoy sewing. When I get a few free minutes I try to get some sewing in. I usually make cloth diapers or cloth wipes. I enjoy nature. I love gardening.
I am on the weight loss mission. I have joined sparkpeople to help me pay attention to what I am eating and track my fitness. I have to be careful though because I do breastfeed Wyatt.
My husband is a senior network engineer. He's very good at it. When he gets any free time he takes the children out for walks through the woods. He's teaching Brooke how to fish. He loves to fish and hunt. He is also amazing at wood working.
Brooke is 6 years old. She is into many different things. Some days she loves the Disney Princesses then when the sun rises again she is into Dora. She loves skating. She is very athletic. She likes to play dress up. She likes her leap pad. She is like most 6 year olds. Her likes change day to day. Currently her "thing" is going fishing with daddy. Oh, she told me to add that her favorite color is pink.
Madison is 3 years old. Her favorite color is purple. She is into many different things too. Her favorite is Dora the Explorer. I have a few dora games installed on their computer and she loves to play them. She loves to swing on the swingset. She loves picking the blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries before they are ripe. I guess she wants to make sure she gets some. By the time the blueberries are ripe she is burned out on blueberries.
Wyatt is 11 months old. He has no favorite color. He is into anything that I give him. His favorite pastime is eating. When he's not eating he is chasing his sisters. I cloth diaper him. I also wear him in babycarriers. He's a breastfed baby. Very healthy and active.