Saturday, September 18, 2010

5K in 40 minutes

Until today I did not know 3.1 miles is 5K. I decided to look into the couch to 5K. I "liked" their page on facebook and started browsing around. Someone posted that she did the 5K in 28 minutes. That got me curious as to how many miles 5k was. So I did a google search and found out it is 3.1 miles.

Now, for those that do not know I have been walking/jogging on the treadmill off and on since July. I kept slipping off track because of vacation. Well, I like to blame it on vacation rather than laziness. So, being the treadmill freak that I am I had to give it a shot. I can usually do 2 miles in 30 minutes. I knew that was not going to cut it. So instead of walking I did a mix of jog/ fast jog.

Here are the results:
3.1 miles, 40 minutes, 329 calories, 103 fat.

Not bad. If I get my lazy tush in gear and make an honest effort I bet in a month I could get that 40 minutes down to 28.


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